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Daylight Saving Changes

Starting March 11, 2007 at 2:00am, the United States and Canada will observe new Daylight Saving Rules due to the United States Energy Policy Act of 2005. We will be changing the clocks three (3) weeks earlier than normal. In order to keep your systems up-to-date with these new changes, it is required that you apply any vendor-recommended patches to your operating systems, databases, and java installations prior to the time change.

Here is a list of any other known requirements for your nuBridges products:

iSeries Applications - No additional changes or updates are necessary. Please refer to information provided by IBM concerning the iSeries related DST changes. You might be required to download some PTFs from IBM. Automatic DST Support was added with V5R3. If you use any earlier release you will need to manage the DST change manually.

As an added safety measure, we also recommend that you restart your system for the following products on this day to ensure that the time is reset as well.

ZMOD truExchange for Windows - No additional changes or updates are necessary.

Commerce Suite - No additional changes or updates are necessary.

e222 - No additional changes or updates are necessary (DEA requires system time validated against NIST).

Secure Transaction Manager - No additional changes or updates are necessary.


Daylight Saving Update

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